Police Radio Scanners Continue to Hear Topeka Police Traffic

Radio Codes & Signals -- Kansas

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This file contains many of the radio codes & signals you hear used on the air. The information has been gleaned from many sources and since the only way to get this information is to listen and record what the radio codes and signals are encountered, there may be some differences in what is presented here from what you might believe the code or signals is used for. The data is arranged alphabetically by agency name. You can help in this effort. You can simply click on the link above to submit your information, or you can mail your information to us at: National Communications P.O. Box 291918 Kettering, OH 45429 This information is presented as a research tool courtesy of National Communications Magazine. Remember the site is free for you to use, but then there is really nothing that is free of charge. The magazine supports the web site, so please consider supporting the magazine with a subscription. With an annual subscription of $21.00 you will also receive access to our on-line 4 Million frequency searchable databases. We also have a site dedicated to Trunked Frequencies which is also available to you at no charge. You can look up frequencies by city/state You can look up frequencies by frequency/state You can print up the list of frequencies You can email a search to yourself to use in Excel or Scancat
                                                =============================================================================  JOHNSON COUNTY FIRE NET CODES & SIGNALS: 10-1  Can not copy                  10-12  Returned to station 10-2  Loud & clear                  10-17  In route w/ one man on apparatus 10-3  Stand-by                      10-19  Returned to station 10-4  Acknowledgement               10-22  Disregard the call 10-5  Relay message                 10-33  Emergency 10-6  Busy                          10-38  Non-emergency 10-7  Out of service                10-42  Returned to home 10-8  In service                    10-47  Auto accident (P.D.) 10-10 Out of service & available    10-48  Auto accident (P.I.) 10-11 In route to call              10-76  In route to hospital                                     10-97  Arrived at scene of call                                     10-98  Completed last call   =============================================================================  JOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S CODES & SIGNALS: 10-1  Receiving poorly              10-41  Intoxicated subject 10-2  Receiving good                10-42  Officer number ____ now at 10-3  Stand-by                             his home 10-4  O.K.                          10-43  Meet the officer at ____ 10-5  Relay                         10-44  Investigate vehicle 10-6  Busy                          10-45  Investigate vehicle & occupants 10-7  Out of service                10-46  Investigate drunken driver 10-8  In service                    10-47  Auto accident (P.D.) 10-9  Repeat - conditions bad       10-48  Auto accident (P.I.) 10-10 Out of service                10-49  Send ambulance to ____       subject to call               10-50  Send tow truck to _____ 10-11 Stay in service               10-64  Net clear 10-12 This unit 10-10 at station/   10-65  Clear for item assignment       city hall                     10-66  Clear for cancellation 10-13 Advise weather/ road cond.    10-67  Clear for net message no 10-14 Convoy or escort                     item assignment 10-15 Prisoner in custody           10-75  Stand-by, you are interfering 10-16 Any traffic for us                   with other stations 10-18 Complete assignment quickly   10-77  No contact at all 10-19 Return to station             10-80  Traffic light out at _____ 10-20 Your location?                10-81  Call dispatcher for house watch 10-21 Meet car at _____             10-82  Call dispatcher for phone number 10-22 Disregard                     10-83  Call dispatcher for information 10-25 Do you have contact           10-84  Advise phone # & your location       with ______                   10-90  Hold traffic-passenger or 10-27 Driver's license information         10-15 in vehicle 10-28 Check registration            10-91  What officer on duty 10-29 Check for wanted              10-92  Car service at ______ 10-30 Does not conform to regs      10-93  Active warrant for subject 10-31 Urgent -- all units stay      10-94  Active item for subject or auto       in service                    10-95  Armed, dangerous, mental, 10-32 Drunkometer required                 parolee, militant, intelligence 10-33 Emergency traffic                    subject, or person with record 10-36 Correct time                  10-97  Arrived at scene 10-38 Urgent (no emergency)         10-98  Finished with last assignment 10-39 Military personnel involved   10-99 10-40 Fatality report  =============================================================================  KANSAS CITY, KANSAS POLICE DEPARTMENT CODES & SIGNALS: 10-1  Receiving poorly              10-45  Investigate occupants of vehicle 10-2  Receiving well                10-47  Auto accident (P.D.) 10-4  Acknowledgement               10-48  Auto accident (P.I.) 10-7  Out of service                10-48F Auto accident (fatal) 10-8  In service                    10-55  House or building fire 10-10 Out of svc. subject to call   10-59  Dead animal in street 10-13 Alarms not in service         10-60  Need immediate assistance 10-15 Have prisoner in custody             (advise location/nature) 10-23 2Arrived on scene              10-64  Call your wife 10-27 Request driver's license ck.  10-65  Meal time (location) 10-28 Request registration check    10-66  Time check 10-29 Check for loss                10-85  Back up unit requested 10-30 Does not conform              10-90  Subject in computer 10-32 Need intoximeter test         10-91  Are you alone? 10-33 Emergency traffic at this     10-92  Change radio frequency       station                       10-93  Check with booking desk 10-42 Call dispatcher               10-99  Nature call 10-44 Investigate vehicle           10-100 NCIC check (wants & warrants)  DISCRIPTIVE CODES: CODE 1  White male                  CODE 4  Black female CODE 2  White female                CODE 5  All others CODE 3  Black male  RESPONSE SIGNALS:  SAME AS WYANDOTTE COUNTY SHERIFF  CRIME CODES:  SAME AS WYANDOTTE COUNTY SHERIFF RACE CODES: A  White                            C  American Indian B  Black                            D  Asian -- Pacific islander  ETHNICITY CODES: 1  Hispanic 2  Non-Hispanic  INJURY CODES: K  Dead before report made          C  No visible injury A  Visible injury                   Q  No indication of injury B  Other visible injury  =============================================================================  KANSAS HIGHWAY PATROL CODES & SIGNALS: 10-1   Receiving poorly             10-60  Tower lights burned out 10-2   Receiving well               10-61  Repeat & transmit slower 10-3   Stand-by                     10-62  Repeat & speak louder 10-4   Acknowledgement              10-64  Not clear 10-5   Relay                        10-65  Clear for item 10-6   Busy, stand-by               10-66  Clear for cancellation 10-7   Out of service               10-67  Clear for net message 10-8   In service                   10-9   Repeat                       TECHNICAL 10-10  Out of svc. subject to call  10-68  Give me a test 10-11  Stay in service              10-69  Test with no modulation 10-12  Visitors present             10-70  Test intermittantly with no 10-13  Weather & road conditions           modulation for ____ minutes 10-14  Convoy or escort             10-71  Test constantly with tone 10-15  Have prisoner in custody     10-72  Advise signal strength 10-16  Pick up prisoner/papers      10-73  Advise on audio quality 10-17  Nothing for you              10-74  Audio quality good 10-18  Anything for us?             10-75  Stand-by you are causing interf. 10-19  Return to station            10-76  Signal choppy 10-20  Location                     10-77  No contact at all 10-21  Call ____ by phone           10-78  Transmitter quality poor 10-22  Disregard                    10-79  Transmit on alternate frequency 10-23  Arrived at scene             10-24  Finished with assignment     GENERAL USE 10-25  Have contact with ?          10-80  Pick up partner 10-26  Holding subject              10-81  Meet victim or complainant 10-27  Request driver's license inf 10-82  Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-28  Check registration info.     10-83  Road blocked at _____ 10-29  Check for wanted             10-84  Personnel in area                                     10-85  Fire alarm at _____ EMERGENCY OR UNUSUAL                10-86  Advise correct time 10-30  Does not conform             10-87  Pistol range 10-31  Emergency basis 10-11        10-88  Advise public service # for ____ 10-32  Chase, all units                    officer number____        stand-by                     10-89  Caution 10-33  Emergency traffic            10-90  Crime in progress 10-34  Trouble at ______ all        10-91  Break-in in progress        units respond                10-92  Armed robbery in progress 10-35  Major crime, blockade        10-93  Bank alarm at ______ 10-36  No further assistance needed 10-94  Bomb threat at ______ 10-37  No rush                      10-95  Fight in progress at ____ 10-38  Urgent (silent run)          10-96  Prowler report at _____ 10-39  emergency (light & siren)    10-97  Domestic problem at ______                                     10-98  Riot or mass disturbance ACCIDENT & VEHICLE HANDLING         10-99  Jail break at _____ 10-40  Fatality report 10-41  Send wrecker to _____        RESPONSE SIGNALS 10-42  Officer ____ at home         SIGNAL 1  Armed & dangerous 10-43  Meet ____ at ____            SIGNAL 2  Resists arrest 10-44  Investigate vehicle          SIGNAL 3  Mental 10-45  Investigate veh. & occupant  SIGNAL 4  Suicidal 10-46  Investigate drunk driver     SIGNAL 5A Known offender felony 10-47  Auto accident (P.D.)         SIGNAL 5B Known offender midsemeanor 10-48  Auto accident (P.I.)         SIGNAL 5C Known offender traffic 10-49  Send ambulance to ____       SIGNAL 6  Intelligence subject                                     SIGNAL 7  Snipers in area NET MESSAGE HANDLING                SIGNAL 8  Arsonist in area 10-50  Message for local            SIGNAL 9  Wanted - felony       delivery via P.S.             SIGNAL 10 Wanted - misdemeanor 10-51  Any answer our number?       SIGNAL 11 Property or vehicle 10-52 Item number for assignment              reported stolen 10-53  Unable to copy phone         SIGNAL 12 Bomb explosion at ____ 10-54  Stand-by for TWX             SIGNAL 13 Officer needs help 10-55  Request permission to               call _____ or use ch______   SUBJECT CODES 10-56  Next message number?         CODE 1  White male 10-57  Repeat dispatch              CODE 2  White female 10-58  Do you dispatch _______?     CODE 3  Black male 10-59  Need radio service           CODE 4  Black female  WEATHER CODES: CODE 1  Weather clear               CODE 11  Windy (over 20 MPH) CODE 2  Overcast                    CODE 12  Blowing dust CODE 3  Roads dry                   CODE 13  Roads snow packed CODE 4  Raining                     CODE 14  Roads snow packed in spots CODE 5  Raining                     CODE 15  Roads icy CODE 6  Mist                        CODE 16  Roads icy in spots CODE 7  Light snow                  CODE 17  Roads slushy CODE 8  Heavy snow                  CODE 18  Roads sanded CODE 9  Heavy snow with drifting    CODE 19  Blizzard conditions existing CODE 10 Fog                         CODE 20  Roads closed                                     CODE 21  One lane traffic  =============================================================================  OTHER DEPARTMENTS USING KANSAS HIGHWAY PATROL CODES: Leavenworth County Sheriff Miami County Sheriff Topeka Police Department  =============================================================================  KANSAS TRIAGE CODES:  Yellow     Possible life threatening Red        Life threatening Blue       Pulseless and apnec Black      Obvious death Orange     Mental/pyschological  =============================================================================  LENEXA POLICE RADIO CODES & SIGNALS  10-1  Receiving poorly              10-40  Fatality report 10-2  Receiving well                10-41  Intoxicated subject 10-3  Stand-by                      10-42  Officer _____ now at_____ 10-4  O.K.                          10-43  Meet the officer     10-5  Relay                         10-44  Investigate vehicle 10-6  Busy                          10-45  Investigation 10-7  Out of service                10-46  Investigate drunk 10-8  In service                    10-47  Auto accident - Injury 10-9  Repeat                        10-48  Auto accident - No Injury 10-10 Out of service - subj to call 10-49  Send ambulance 10-11 Stay in service               10-50  Send tow truck 10-12 This unit 10-10 at station    10-64  Net clear 10-13 Advise WX and road conditions 10-65  Clear for item 10-14 Convoy or escort              10-66  Clear for cancellation 10-15 We have prisoner in custody   10-67  Clear for net message 10-16 Any traffic this unit?        10-75  Stand-by -- interference 10-18 Complete present assignment   10-77  No contact at all 10-19 Return to your station        10-80  Traffic light on 10-20 What is your location         10-81  Call dispatcher 10-21 Meet car (give location)      10-82  Call dispatcher 10-22 Disregard                     10-83  Call dispatcher 10-25 Do you have contact with ___  10-84  Advise telephone number 10-27 Request DL information        10-90  Hold tfc. passenger 10-28 Check registration on ____    10-91  What officer on duty? 10-29 Check for wanted              10-92  Car service 10-30 Does not conform to rules     10-93  Active warrant 10-31 Urgent all units 10-11        10-94  Active item 10-32 Is breathalyzer available?    10-95  Armed, Dangerous, militant 10-36 Correct time                  10-97  Arrived at scene 10-38 Urgent (not emergency)        10-98  Finished with last assignment 10-39 Military personnel involved  J-CODES:  J-1  Murder                         J-11  Known to resist J-2  Rape                           J-12  Mental subject J-3  Robbery                        J-13  Parolee J-4  Assault                        J-14  Bomb threat J-5  Burglary                       J-15  Wanted J-6  Larceny                        J-16  Wanted, Warrant issued J-7  Auto theft                     J-17  Misdemeanor record on file J-8  Narcotics                      J-18  Ordinance record J-9  Other felonies                 J-19  Traffic record on file J-10 Armed and dangerous  ============================================================================= OFFICIAL CAC & FORT LEAVENWORTH MILITARY POLICE TEN CODES: 10-1  Emergency, clear net          10-51  ETA 10-2  Emergency, request assistance 10-52  TCP at ______ 10-3  Traffic accident at _____     10-53  Individual mentally unstable 10-4  Wrecker needed at _______     10-54  Subject is suicidal 10-5  Ambulance needed at _____     10-55  Subject armed & dangerouos 10-6  Need civil authorities        10-56  Subject intox or drugged 10-7  Pick up papers at _______     10-57  T/A hit & run at ______ 10-8  Have prisoner(s) in custody   10-58  Request PR 10-9  Need police van at ______     10-59  Out of service for PR 10-10 Escort, pick up at ______     10-60  Burnt out lights at ______ 10-11 In service                    10-61  Missing person 10-12 Out of service                10-62  Juvenile call 10-13 Say again                     10-63  Prepare to copy 10-14 What is your location?        10-64  10-15 Proceed to ______             10-65  Police items follow copy 10-16 Call at _______               10-66  Cancel police items 10-17 Return to station             10-67  General information 10-18 Complete last assignment      10-68  Send information 10-19 Have contact with _____       10-69  Message understood 10-20 Relay to ______               10-70  Request direct radio contact 10-21 Stand-by                      10-71  Receiving poorly 10-22 Disregard                     10-72  Loud & clear 10-23 Arrived at scene              10-73  Advise weather & road conditions 10-24 Request CID notified          10-74  Severe weather conditions exist 10-25 Return in person to _____     10-75  Stolen vehicle 10-26 Detaining subject             10-76  Traffic stop 10-27 Driver's license check        10-77  Negative contact 10-28 Registration information      10-78  Watch/search area 10-29 Wants or warrants             10-79  Switch to tac two 10-30 Incorrect radio proceedure    10-80  Pick your partner 10-31 Slow radio traffic            10-81  10-32 Pick up/deliver               10-82  Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-33 Animal violation              10-83  Road is blocked at _____ 10-34 Trouble at ___ all respond    10-84  MP personnel in area 10-35 Major crime alert             10-85  Fire alarm / fire at ______ 10-36 Correct time                  10-86 10-37 Routine (no lights or siren)  10-87  Advise nature/progress of fire 10-38 Urgent (silent run)           10-88  Advise present phone number 10-39 Lights & siren authorized     10-89  Use caution, known danger 10-40 Dead person                   10-90  Crime in progress 10-41 Starting tour of duty         10-91  Radio traffic for my unit? 10-42 End tour of duty              10-92  Visitors or officials present 10-43 Request chow                  10-93  Noise disturbance at _____ 10-44 Investigate vehicle           10-94  Bomb threat at _____ 10-45 Investigate vehicle & occup.  10-95  Fight in progress at _____ 10-46 Investigate possible DWI      10-96  Prowler report at _____ 10-47 Out of service for chow       10-97  Domestic disturbance at _____ 10-48 Assist motorist               10-98  Riot or mass disturbance 10-49 Request back-up               10-99  Jail or prison break at _____ 10-50 Security check                                     SIGNAL 80  Alarm at bldg. # _____ CODE 1  White male                  SIGNAL 100 Aircraft emergency CODE 2  White female CODE 3  Black male CODE 4  Black female  =============================================================================   TOPEKA  POLICE  DEPARTMENT -  10 CODES  ___________________________________________  10-1  	Receiving poorly         		10-60  	Tower lights burned out 10-2  	Receiving well              		10-61 	  10-3   	Stand-by                     		10-62  	  10-4   	Acknowledgement            		10-64  	Not clear 10-5  	Relay                      		10-65  	Clear for item 10-6   	Busy, stand-by                  	10-66  	Clear for cancellation 10-7   	Out of service                 	10-67  	Clear for net message 10-8  	In service                   10-9  	Repeat                                      	   10-10  	Out of svc. subject to call  		10-68  	Give me a test 10-11  	Stay in service              		10-69  	Test with no modulation 10-12 	Visitors present           		10-70  	Test intermittantly with no modulation for ____ minutes 10-13  	Weather & road conditions                                     	  10-14  	Convoy or escort             		10-71  	Test constantly with tone 10-15  	Have person in custody     		10-72  	Advise signal strength 10-16  	Pick up prisoner/papers     		10-73  	Advise on audio quality 10-17  	Nothing for you            		10-74  	Audio quality good 10-18  	Anything for us?           		10-75  	Stand-by you are causing interf 10-19  	Return to station          		10-76  	Signal choppy 10-20  	Location                    		10-77  	No contact at all 10-21  	Call ____ by phone        		10-78  	Transmitter quality poor 10-22  	Disregard                 		10-79  	Transmit on alternate frequency 10-23  	Arrived at scene             10-24  	Finished with assignment    	  10-25  	Have contact with ?         	 	10-80  	Pick up partner 10-26  	Holding subject              		10-81  	Meet victim or complainant 10-27  	Request driver's license inf	 	10-82  	  10-28  	Check registration info.    		10-83  	Road blocked at _____ 10-29  	Check for wanted            	 	10-84  	Personnel in area                                    			10-85  	Fire alarm at _____         	 			    	 	                  10-86  	Advise correct time 10-30  	Does not conform           		10-87  	Pistol range 10-31  	Emergency basis 10-11      	 	10-88  	Advise public service # for ____ officer number____ 10-32  	Chase, all units stand-by                                        	                                  			10-89  	Caution 10-33  	Emergency traffic          		10-90  	Crime in progress 10-34  	Trouble at ______ all  units respond    		                                                 10-91  	Break-in in progress                                    			10-92  	Armed robbery in progress 10-35 	Major crime, blockade     	  	10-93  	Bank alarm at ______ 10-36  	No further assistance needed 	  	10-94  	Bomb threat at ______ 10-37 	No rush                      		10-95  	Fight in progress at ____ 10-38 	Urgent (silent run)     	    	10-96  	Prowler report at _____ 10-39  	Emergency (light & siren)    	 	10-97  	Domestic problem at ______                                   			10-98  	Riot or mass disturbance  			    		                  10-99  	Jail break at _____ 10-40  	Fatality report 10-41  	Send wrecker to _____      	    10-42  	Officer ____ at home         	 10-43 	Meet ____ at ____            	 10-44 	Investigate vehicle          	 10-45 	Investigate veh. & occupant 	 10-46  	Investigate drunk driver     	 10-47  	Auto accident - non injury         	 10-48  	Auto accident - injury         		 10-49  	Send ambulance to ____      	                                    			                 	 10-50  	Message for local delivery via P.S.            		 10-51  	Any answer our number?      	 10-52 	Item number for assignment              10-53  	Unable to copy phone         	 10-54  	Stand-by for TWX             	 10-55  	Request permission to  call _____ or use ch______   	  10-56  	Next message number?         	 10-57  	               	 10-58  	      	 10-59  	            	   CODE 1  	White male              	 CODE 2  	White female CODE 3  	Black male CODE 4  	Black female CODE 5      Hispanic male CODE 6      Hispanic female CODE 7      Other male CODE 8      Other female    TOPEKA  POLICE  DEPARTMENT _______________________________  SIGNALS:	   1  	Armed & dangerous       2  	Resists arrest     3 	Mental    4  	Suicidal      	  5  	Known offender felony, midsemeanor or traffic  6  	Intelligence subject	  7  	Snipers in area  8  	Arsonist in area  9  	Wanted - felony 10 	Wanted - misdemeanor 11 	Property or vehicle Stolen 12 	Bomb explosion at ____ 13 	Officer needs help   14  	Officer in danger    15	Drug material            		    20  	Crime Scene Unit Call                   		    21  	Stolen vehicle report           	    22  	Stolen vehicle recovered      	    23  	Assault                        	  	    24  	Animal problem               		    25  	Assist citizen                  	 	   26  	Unknown trouble           	  	   27  	Building unsecured                	   28  	Pick up _______                 		   29  	Disturbance                    	 	   30  	Suspicious person         	 	   31  	Missing person                 	  	   32  	Juvenile               	 	   33  	Trouble at HQ            	   34  	Casualty report                	 	   35  	Sex offense                    	  	   36  	Check on citizen welfare   	    37  	Deceased person                                		 	    39  	Theft 40 	Bad checks 41 	Recive Information  42  	Relieve officer 43 	Service request 44  	Notify _______ 45 	Misc 46  	Out of vehicle with K-9 48  	Shoplifting 49  	On foot with radio 50  	Out at garage 51  	Call home 52  	Intoxicated person 53  	Escort duty 55	Request back-up 57  	Vandalism 58  	Relief 60	Gang activity 63  	Traffic violation 64  	Traffic problem 65 	First-aid call 67	Building check 68	Area check 69	Out at crime scene office 90	Out at jail 99  	Trouble at Headquarters     		       =============================================================================  WICHITA 10 CODES 10-10  Out of service, subject to call 10-11  Stay in service 10-12  Officials or visitors present 10-14  Convoy or escort 10-15  Prisoner in custody 10-16  Pick up prisoner at ______ 10-17  Nothing for you 10-18  Anything for us? 10-26  Holding subject, rush reply 10-31  Emergency, all units stand-by 10-32  Chase 10-34  Trouble at ___________ 10-35  Major crime roadblock 10-36  No further assistance needed 10-37  No rush 10-38  Urgent (silent run) 10-39  Emergency (lights & siren) 10-40  Fatality report 10-41  Send wrecker to ________ 10-42  At home 10-43  Meet _____ at ______ 10-44  Investigate vehicle 10-45  Investigate occupied vehicle 10-46  Drunk driver 10-47  Auto accident - property damage 10-48  Auto accident - personal injury 10-49  Send ambulance to __________ 10-50  Send ambulance - employee involved 10-51  Officer needs supervisor 10-52  Officer needs traffic investigator 10-53  Officer needs traffic control at ______ 10-54  Officer needs detective 10-55  Body recovered 10-60  Tower lights out at ______ 10-65  Clear for new item 10-66  Clear for cancellation 10-77  No contact at all 10-80  Pick up your partner 10-81  Call your spouse 10-83  Unit at station 10-86  Advise correct time 10-87  Pistol range 10-88  Medical advisor monitor frequency 10-89  Terminate medical patch & establish with medical advisor 10-98  Riot or mass disturbance at _______ 10-99  Jail break at ________   PATIENT CODES                       POLICE & FIRE CODES White     Non-critical patient      1   No smoke or flames Red       Serious or critical           visible Blue      In or near full arrest    2   Smoke only Green     Mental                    3   Smoke and flames Yellow    Expired                   4   Fire under control                                     5   Noise in building Signals                             6   Glass breaking in 1   Armed & dangerous                   building 2   Resists arrest                  7   Hearing noises 3   Mental                          9   Switch to scrambler 4   Suicidal                        10  Switch to information channel 5   Need officer to take report     20  You have no relief 6   Need officer, have trouble      21  Make mail run 7   Need officer - urgent           22  Armed robbery in progress 10  Radio gram number               23  Turn off relay 30  No record                       24  Burglary in progress 31  Wanted                          25  Hostage situation 32  Record                          26  Bomb threat 32X Dangerous                       27  Swindle alert  =============================================================================  WYANDOTTE COUNTY SHERIFF'S CODES & SIGNALS: 10-1  Receiving poorly              10-41  Stolen auto report 10-2  Receiving well                10-42  Call the dispatcher 10-3  Stop transmitting             10-43  Purse snatching 10-4  Acknowledgement               10-44  Investigate vehicle 10-5  Relay                         10-45  Investigate occupants of vehicle 10-6  Stand-by                      10-46  Investigate drunken driver 10-7  Out of service at ______      10-47  Auto accident (P.D) 10-8  In service                    10-48  Auto accident (P.I.) 10-9  Repeat - conditions bad       10-49  Request ambulance 10-10 Out of service, subj to call  10-50  Send wrecker 10-11 Stay in service               10-51  Unable to copy, use phone 10-12 Report to booking desk        10-52  Meet the messenger 10-13 Advise weather/road condition 10-53  Attempted suicide 10-14 Convoy or escort              10-54  Trash or grass fire 10-15 Have prisoner in custody      10-55  House or building fire 10-16 Pick up prisoner at           10-56  Tampering with auto 10-17 Pick up paper at              10-57  Traffic hazard 10-18 Complete present assignment   10-58  Ball game in street       as soon as possible           10-59  Dead animal in street 10-19 return to _______             10-60  Need immediate assistance 10-20 Your location?                       (advise location & nature) 10-21 Call HQ at extension _____    10-61  Sent shop truck 10-22 Disregard                            (flat tire, dead car) 10-23 Arrived at scene              10-62  Tower light check 10-24 Trouble at station            10-63  Pick up your partner       all units respond             10-64  Call your wife at home 10-25 Send identification           10-65  Meal time (location)       officer                       10-66  Time check 10-26 Send coroner                  10-67  Residence or building check 10-27 Driver's license check        10-68  Pedestrian check 10-28 Registration check            10-81  Report to internal affairs 10-29 Check for loss                10-85  Back up unit requested 10-30 Does not conform to rules     10-90  Subject in computer (check       and regulations                      _____ J code) 10-31 Report to range               10-91  Are you alone? 10-32 Need alcometer test           10-92  Change frequency 10-33 Emergency traffic at          10-93  Checking with booking desk       this station                         (active warrant confirmation) 10-34 Receive information           10-99  Nature call 10-36 Disturbance                   10-100 NCIC checks (wants or warrants) 10-37 Prowler 10-38 Shooting or stabbing 10-39 A.T.T. or bank alarm 10-40 Holdup (two tones) SIGNAL 1  Armed, dangerous          SIGNAL 7  Sniper in area SIGNAL 2  Resists arrest            SIGNAL 8  Arsonist in arrea SIGNAL 3  Mental                    SIGNAL 9  Wanted - felony SIGNAL 4  Suicidal                  SIGNAL 10 Wanted - misdemeanor SIGNAL 5  Known offender            SIGNAL 11 Property or vehicle stolen SIGNAL 6  Intelligence subject      SIGNAL 12 Bomb threat location  CODE 1  White male                  CODE 4  Negro female CODE 2  White female                CODE 5  All others CODE 3  Negro male  J CODES: J-1  Homicide                       J-6  Larceny J-2  Rape                           J-7  Auto theft J-3  Robbery                        J-8  Narcotics J-4  Assault                        J-9  Prepare FIC J-5  Burglary                       J-10 Assault on officer  =============================================================================                                          

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Source: https://www.bearcat1.com/radioks.htm

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